
LED indoor lighting is mainly using as decorative lighting

LED lights supplier will make it easier than ever to switch to LED lighting, by designing LED bulbs with the same light output, dimensions, and cap bases as conventional lamps. This makes retrofitting a breeze. In most cases, LED lamps will slot directly into existing fixtures and fittings, and many offer comparable dimming functionality. led lighting must popularize in the following years.
The domestic LED indoor lighting is mainly using as decorative lighting, such as entertainment venues such as underground parking, commercial led lighting and public lighting, star hotel corridors, it have not huge coming in ordinary household lighting. The main indoor lighting products are commercial fluorescent lights, down lights, spotlights; replace incandescent bulb lights, freezers lights. vice charge man of semiconductor lighting technology standard working group of Ministry of Industry and Information Department points out that  according to the plan of foreign counties development of LED ordinary lights, it is expected that from 2010-2012, we will mainly push commercial lighting, from 2012-2015, we will mainly push ordinary household lighting. Viewing from technical, the quality of light, the light color is not so good to us, home LED lighting will have higher demand than outdoor lighting.
Overall, the growth of led light bulbs in the lighting market can be roughly divided into three stages: before 2012, incandescent, fluorescent lamps and energy saving lamps will be the main light source of the lamp lighting, it is the demonstration stage and the price is high. In 2012-2014, the implementation of the order with the global incandescent FMCT disabled policy, incandescent lamps in the market will gradually disappear after 2012. This stage, the energy-saving lamp market is expected to begin to enter in the growing peak period, will occupy a major share of the lighting market. But it is expected to 2014 LED light bulbs will replace incandescent, fluorescent and other substantial entered a mature period. At the same time, the cost of the LED bulbs is declining and will be with fast speed. 

