
The benefits of LED lighting

There is no doubt that the more popularity and application of LED lighting products is the irresistible trend. With the wide application of LED lighting, more and more people are paying attention to the research of LED light bulbs. In the recent study called “LIGHTING THE CLEAN REVOLUTION: The rise of LED’s and what it means for cities”, the following findings were published:
LEDs achieve the expected 50 to 70% energy savings, and reach up to 80% savings when coupled with smart controls.
Even with these energy savings, the vast majority of tested products exceeded local lighting standards.
Many commercial LED products tested show behavior consistent with claimed lifespan of 50,000 to 100,000 hours, and LED products generally show very little change in color.
The ‘catastrophic’ failure rate of LED products over 6,000 hours is around 1%, compared, for example, up to 10% for ceramic metal halide fixtures over a similar time period.
The public prefers LED products, and around 90% of survey respondents support a full rollout of LEDs across city street lights.LEDS OFFER ADVANCES IN
Efficiency. Energy savings from 50% to 70% compared with conventional technologies result in similar custom carbon emissions.
Controllability. Superior control over light color, intensity and direction allows novel lighting system designs that can deliver a wide range of social co-benefits. Outdoor LED light bulbs offer improved visibility for pedestrians and traffic, as well as reduced light pollution. Indoor LED smart control systems have been shown to improve student behavior and study performance. And when smart controls allow LEDs to dynamically change lighting levels in response to conditions, total system energy savings can reach up to 80%.
Lifespan. Well-designed LEDs are expected to last for 50,000 to 100,000 hours or more. Lifespan can be extended even further by coupling LEDs with smart controls.

