
LEDs are efficient light sources

LED crystals are in reality just solid state semiconductor devices the cause light when a crystal is stimulated thus producing visible light. When an LED unit is electrified, a power supply converts AC voltage into sufficient DC voltage to illuminate the crystals.
The LED is sealed in a clear or diffuse plastic lens that can provide a range of angular distributions of the light. They are hardy little devices not affected by weather or ordinary lights traffic. Witness their use in lane markers on busy streets in many parts of the world. Low-voltage, low-current devices, LEDs are efficient light sources. Phillips Lighting cites that, in 1993 an array of 200 LEDs was required whereas only 18 LEDs achieve the same performance today.
Progress continues. Researchers at Cambridge University in England recently announced research results pointing toward an additional 25 percent reduction in the cost of production of light from LED garden lights through the use of a coating of gallium nitride. Science Blog quotes Professor Colin Humphreys, lead scientist on the project saying: "This could well be the holy grail in terms of providing our lighting needs for the future. We are very close to achieving highly efficient, low cost white LED lighting that can take the place of both traditional and currently available low-energy light bulbs. That won't just be good news for the environment; it will also benefit consumers by cutting their electricity bills."
We all know how LED street lights and led yard and deck lighting make surroundings of a home at night both beautiful and safer, but there are increasing economic reasons in these stressful times to use LED technology over their predecessor incandescent bulbs. LED or light-emitting diode (LED)  technology - to give its longer name -  has been around since the 1970s and is becoming more and more prevalent for outdoor lighting effect of all kinds.

